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My Sweet Love - where does it come from you ask?


Ahhhh where does it come from?! Why is it called so?

Here goes:

In the past I would call my partner ‘My Sweet Love’ (sometimes still do!) and for me it represents that significant other and the passions we have in our life at any given time.

During our infertility journey My Sweet Love was my partner, James, he was everything. He was my family. I would often correct him or others if they would say 'having a baby gives you a family' because as far as I was concerned, I had a family! James – My Sweet Love - and our dog Buckley. Children didn’t make a family, but they made a family bigger.

When we had our ivf miracle – Ada – our family grew, James got demoted (oops sorry!) and postnatally My Sweet Love became Ada. My everything, the one I will do anything for.

A few years on and our second go at the Fertility Gamble took place, unsuccessfully, and I reassessed again. I looked at my much loved family and asked what or who was My Sweet Love? For me, it’s all of it. James, Ada, yes, our dog Buckley and all the other passions that fill my life.

When I began to create a space (without a clear mind of what that would be), I was driven by why – it wasn't a space just for those who were pregnant, or those trying to get pregnant and possibly not just for yoga but for all of the passions I felt in life and that I wanted to share - design, yoga, family, infertility, loss, pregnancy, babies. All the things that light me up, that bring me joy and sadness, it had to be a name that resonated on a number of levels, a name that asks you the question, What is Your Sweet Love? It doesn't need to be the thing you're striving for but rather to look at the thing we have, the thing we are most grateful for. Yogic practises are the perfect way to find that inner calling of joy, and the perfect remedy to work through sadness. My Sweet Love is a space where we can do this together or alone.

It's a space not just for my stuff, but a space to share, grow and explore with others your stuff too, whether that's infertility, pregnancy, postnatally or beyond, whether that's through yoga or design or art. There may be a lot to get through, but know, I’m here for you mate! Let’s work through the sorrow, the happiness, the disappointment, the disbelief, one step at a time and uncover your Sweet Love because it’s there to be discovered.

My Sweet Love provides a space for yogic practises to help through infertility, prepare for birth and recover postnatally. Artwork through My Sweet Love available soon.

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